Section summary

- Trevilia Hodge welcomes viewers to the You Versus You course, a seven-day course that can be done at any time. - The course aims to prepare individuals to make the most out of the upcoming year and challenges them to have a conversation with themselves. - Trevilia emphasizes the need for authenticity and introduces the format of the course, which includes answering random tough questions, sharing personal stories, and providing affirmations. - She encourages viewers to seek support if needed and warns that topics such as abuse, abandonment, and suffering will be discussed. - Trevilia assures that there will be no sales pitch at the end of the course and invites viewers to participate with their loved ones. - She shares her own journey of self-acceptance and emphasizes the importance of accepting oneself in the present moment. - Trevilia believes in the power of healing and aims to help viewers become better versions of themselves. - She concludes by emphasizing the goal of the course: to start a conversation with oneself and to be kind, gentle, and loving throughout the process.

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